Our commitment to a
sustainable development
Protecting our environment and conserving resources are key topics these days.
What can be ISL’s contribution to climate protection and fair labour standards? Agenda 2030 with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is our guideline. It was developed by the United Nations as a global plan to promote sustainable peace and prosperity and protect our planet.
These SDGs are applied and we strive to integrate them into social, ecological and economic challenges. For us, this means keeping the impact on the environment and climate as low as possible. This applies on the development of new products and in operation of production facilities and logistics processes.
Environmental and corporate policy at ISL
We have been certified according to the ISO 14001 environmental standard since 1999.
Sustainable environmental and climate protection is anchored in the ISL Code of Conduct and we most recently achieved the ECOVADIS Sustainability Rating Silver in November 2023.
With our corporate policy, we pay attention to “health and well-being” (SDG 3) our employees. This includes a healthy “work-life balance”, free access to medical subervision and compliance with specified rest periods. “Quality education” (SDG 4) and “Decent work and economic growth” (SDG 8) are core values for us. Our employees are provided education and training. In addition, we also conduct training at our customers’ facilities to promote safe, ecological and economical handling of our products. To achieve these goals, we form “partnerships” (SDG 17) with customers, suppliers and associations and actively involve them.
Resource-efficient and sustainable management
In our daily work, we use energy economical, apply “climate protection measures” (SDG 1) and use more and more “affordable and clean energy” (SDG 7). By substantial reducing the usage of paper, the reuse of containers and cooperation with certified waste management companies (in accordance with §56 Para. 2 KrWG), we reduce the component of non-recyclable waste. By cumulating our customer deliveries, we reduce CO² emissions. The use of low-energy illuminants, machines with time controls and heat recovery systems as well as optimized manufacturing processes enable energy savings.
Sustainable product development
ISL develops sustainable innovative products (SDG 12) for a wide range of applications. We drive innovations and our products provide positive contribution to environmental and climate protection. We put the focus on environmentally friendly properties with consistent quality and performance. For example, we are converting our in-mould coatings (IMC) in Europe from conventional to waterborne systems (ISOTHAN®-WB), thereby saving large quantities of VOCs. In addition, our IMC’s protect the components and thus extend product lifetimes. We develop innovative products (Cool Colour) to minimize cooling or heating energy, e.g. indoors. ISL works along DIN ISO 14067 on the carbon footprint of all products. By using optimized pigment concentrations and broadly compatible products, raw materials as well as production and logistics energies can be saved. In addition, we develop solutions – based on renewable raw materials – from circular economy and Mass Balanced Products.